12th December 2024.


Next club meeting Monday 6th January

Short Talks By members.


Monday 3rd February

‘Viking Money’ by Zheng Tao Chong


Monday 3rd March

Club Auction


Meetings are held at the Abbey Baptist Church, Abbey Square, commencing at 7.00 p.m.



Please let me know if you are intending to give a Short Talk in January.


Please think about Auction lots for March. They need to be delivered at the February meeting latest.


Please consider whether you could join the committee, we need new, or refreshed, blood now!


December Meeting

The Club meeting in December was a members evening: buying and selling, a buffet supper, a quiz, and a presentation by members about recent interesting purchases.


The buffet supper was organised once again by Henry Stanbrook and was very much appreciated by the 20 or so members attending the meeting.


There were two displays this year. – more of that later


Once again Gavin provided the club with his customary challenging Christmas quiz. The highest score claimed by a member was 10/20! Gavin’s work on formulating the quiz is much appreciated.







Which country issued a 1/48 shilling?



Which monarch issued English coins in1557?

Mary I


What was the first year without IND IMP on English coins?



Who was the first king to issue a gold half-crown?

Henry VIII


Which country issued the denomination Sucre?



Who designed the obverse of Edward VII coins?

G.W. de Saulles


What was a Bodle?

Scottish 2d  1677-87


Who designed the portrait on British coins of George V?

Sir Bertram Mackennal


When were round halfpennies first issued?

1279 by Edward I


What were proclaimed as current English coins in 1842?

Half farthings of George IV, William IV and Victoria


Who designed the reverse of George VI British farthings?

H. Wilson Parker


What was the main ancient Greek currency unit, issued in gold and silver?




Who struck the tokens for 5 and 2 sols issued in France by the Monneron brothers in 1791-2?

Matthew Boulton at the Soho mint




What is a “Bungtown”?

Crude imitation of English 1/2d circulating in Pennsylvania and other American states in the late 18th century


What is the significance of the date of the first St Helena coinage?

1821 – death of Napoleon on St Helena


When was the issue of 17th century tokens made illegal?



Where were one-third farthings current in the 19th century?



What do Richard III, Mary Tudor and George I have in common?

They were all older than the monarchs they succeeded


Who designed the Petition Crown and when?

Thomas Simon, 1663


Who issued the first 18th century penny tokens?

Parys Mine Company, Anglesey



Michael displayed a coin associated with the siege of Cambrai in 1595 during the Wars of Religion. French troops occupied the city from April to October and as the incumbent Bishop of Cambrai had fled the city with most of its money, the French produced siege pieces to pay their troops. These were intended to be redeemed at full value later. However, the Cambrai citizenry was incensed by the degraded currency imposed by the French and opened the gates of the city to the besieging Spanish forces.


Below is the obverse and reverse of a 20 Patards piece. The legend is Henrico Protectore, and the value in the two incuse panels P and XX.









Michael also displayed blanks for a small heptagonal coin, and the new circulating Charles III £1 coin.





                        Obverse                                               Reverse









Also on display were two of the 30 Cash Sze Chuan Chinese pattern coins, showing the dragon and pearl design. The coins reflect the two materials in which they were minted – the bronze (red copper) and the brass (yellow copper).




The club members showed their appreciation of the displays in the usual manner.












Future Events.

           London Coin Fair – Shortlands, London W6 – 1st February 2025

           Midland Coin Fair - National Motorcycle Museum –12th January 2025

           Spinks Auctions - 17th January 2025

           Noonans, Mayfair, W1J 8BQ –19th February 2025


Past Events

Ten years ago in 2014, there were for displays by members, in addition to the buffet and quiz.


Twenty years ago in 2004, Dr. S Bhandare spoke on “Aspects of Oriental Coins”


Club Secretary