June 17 2000

Next club meeting Monday 2nd July 2001.

Meetings are held at the Abbey Baptist Church. Entrance off Abbey Square.

Meeting commences at 7.00pm.

June Meeting.

>This was the AGM and Annual Display Competition. Michael chaired the meeting. The minutes of the 2000 AGM were read by Tim and accepted. The chairman's report was read by John and accepted. The treasurer's report was read by Maurice and accepted. A question was raised by Ken concerning the use of the club's reserves. This prompted some discussion from the floor and the committee have agreed to look at this issue and report back at the next AGM. The Program Secretary's calendar for 2001/2002 was read out by Frank.

There were 6 entries in Annual Display Competition

All of the presenters gave a five minute talk on their display. The winner was Neil, who keeps the Michael Broome Memorial Cup for one year. Well done Neil. Graham won the raffle for the Display Entrants.

There were 17 members present and 4 dealers tables open.

The Club's officers and officials for the 2000/01 season are as follows.



Vice presidents

John, Dave, Tim







Program Secretary








Tim has spent five years on the committee and under club rules he has to stand down. Thanks to Tim for very successfully carrying out the post of minute secretary.

Refreshment costs at Club meetings are to remain at £2 for tea/Coffee/Biscuits for the year and £2 if you have a meal at the meeting.

Club Subscriptions.

Club subscriptions are to be held at £12 for another year and are now due, so please renew your membership by sending your fees to Maurice.

£12 gives you

Summer Social - Wednesday 25 July

The summer social this year is a trip to the British Museum and Bank of England Museum. We are to meet in the HSBC gallery of the British Museum at 10-30. Exact details of the arrangement of the handling session are not to hand yet. Though I have been told it may not be possible to see specific individual items, we still need details from those of you who haven't already given them, concerning items they would like to see. Will anyone coming along who has not given details of what they would like to see at the handling sessions please let us know at the next meeting, or by contacting a committee member directly. We will aim for lunch at 1pm. There are sandwiches and suchlike in the Great Hall of the BM and many pubs and eateries in the vicinity. We will then set off for the Bank of England Museum, probably by tube, aiming to arrive at 2-30 and I expect to start making our way home at about 4pm.

Future Events.

London Coin Fair. Saturday 23rd June. Cumberland Hotel, Marble Arch, London W1.

BNS. Ancient British coin types: new ideas new interpretations Johnathon Williams

Coin Fair. Saturday 21st July. Commonwealth Institute. Kensington. London W8.

30 Years ago.

This was the AGM and Annual Display Competition. Some 40 members attended out of a membership of approximately 80, there were 12 entries in the Display competition and subscriptions reached the dizzying heights of £1.